Gaming Creepy Pasta: Do it Your Self!

Hey Kids! Have you ever wanted to write your own gaming creepy pasta? Of course you have! Because you want to be hip and cool like those other blokes at school. Now, you don’t even have to write one, because I did it for you! Just fill in the blanks, and you’ll have tasteless shit that can't even be considered literature and wasn't even scary the first time around a great gaming creepy pasta! Let’s get started!

Title goes here

I was a huge fan of the ____ series, since I was ___ years old, when I first got my ____ for_____. But now that I’m in college, I no longer have my old ____. Luckily one day, I was able to buy a ____ at a flea market for ____. While surfing through the internet for ____ games, _______________________________ (that long line is for where you got the game from. Make sure that it comes in the sketchiest form possible.) I was so excited to play ____for the first time in _____ years! I popped ____ in my ____ and turned it on. The title screen showed ____ and he was ________. But when I began to play the game, I noticed the graphics were _________________, unlike usual. Then the sound cut out. For a while the game was mute until a distorted version of ______ started playing. When I beat the first _________, the game became completely black. When it came back, ____ was looking at me, and the screen said “you’re next, ____”! I was so shocked that the game knew my name. Then images of _____ started showing on the screen. ________________________________________________ ( here insert about a million more fourth wall breaks in this line). Then I took out the game and disposed of it by ________.

Then put a very badly photoshoped image depicting something that happened in your creepy pasta

Congrats! Now you can be popular... maybe.
probably not though